Monday, November 8, 2010


          Last week, it was Halloween.  First, we got in our costumes.  Then, we went to the Aloha Tower.  I was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.  Daddy was a pirate with only an eye patch with an apple on his eyepatch.  Alex was a lunch person with a plate for a head and a red bowl for his hat and he had a lunch cooler.  And Joseph.....Joseph was nothing.  And Mom didn't dress up either.    The next night, it was the real Halloween.  We went to different houses and said "trick or treat" at the door.  I got lots of candy and each time we got candy, we said Mahalo, which means thank you.   One of our treats was toothpaste.  It was funny because nobody ever gave me toothpaste before.  We got cotton candy and we also saw a house with popcorn and candy.  One was giving out candy, one was giving out popcorn.  I chose candy.  In the elevator, there was a person who talked to me and said "I want your candy, yum" but it was just a joke.  He also asked us to come over and trick or treat at his door. I had so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much FUN!

me as Alice

Alex (as "plate lunch")

Daddy (wearing an ipatch)            

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