Sunday, November 28, 2010

Having good fun

An Interview with Nicki:

What was your favorite thing to do in Hawaii? 
Go hiking on the muddy trail to a waterfall.  I liked it because I got to get muddy and take my shoes off in the car.

What will you miss the most about living here?
I'll miss watching hula dancers and miss watching people climb palm trees.

What do you like most about the beach? 
Playing, of course!  Come on! and boogie boarding.  We play sand castle wars.

collecting shells at Waimea Bay

Are you excited to have your own room when we return? 
Yes, very happy because I don't have to sleep with my mean brother, Joseph.

Will you miss being in an apartment?
Not really, but I will miss the balcony because you get a good view the mountain.

What was the coolest thing you have seen while in Hawaii? 
A person climbing up a palm tree.

What food will you miss the most from Hawaii?
Shave Ice

What have you learned in Hawaii? 
A few Hawaiian words like Mele Kalikimaka  (Merry Christmas) and mahalo nui loa (thank you very much),  picking flowers, hula, how to make a lei and ceramics.

What is your favorite Hawaiian flower? 
Plumeria because it has a good smell.

What are you most proud of? 
Drawing 100,000 pictures in 4 months.

What are you most looking forward to when we get back to Phoenix?
I want to see Siti and Jidu and Darla and Uncle Phil and Aunt Amery.

What do miss most about home? 
My family and playing with the red sofa pillows.

Are you excited to go back to school? 
Yes, because I can see my friends and teachers. I cannot see them here.

What's the first thing you think you'll do when we get back? 
Lie down on my bed because I think I will be tired.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


          We went kayaking this week.  We went in the ocean.  At first, it was hard getting on but eventually we got on.  We went to Flat Island.  We paddled to get there.  Then we went to a beach.

 On the way, we saw turtles.  I only saw four.  Kayaking is FUN!


Monday, November 8, 2010


          Last week, it was Halloween.  First, we got in our costumes.  Then, we went to the Aloha Tower.  I was Alice from Alice in Wonderland.  Daddy was a pirate with only an eye patch with an apple on his eyepatch.  Alex was a lunch person with a plate for a head and a red bowl for his hat and he had a lunch cooler.  And Joseph.....Joseph was nothing.  And Mom didn't dress up either.    The next night, it was the real Halloween.  We went to different houses and said "trick or treat" at the door.  I got lots of candy and each time we got candy, we said Mahalo, which means thank you.   One of our treats was toothpaste.  It was funny because nobody ever gave me toothpaste before.  We got cotton candy and we also saw a house with popcorn and candy.  One was giving out candy, one was giving out popcorn.  I chose candy.  In the elevator, there was a person who talked to me and said "I want your candy, yum" but it was just a joke.  He also asked us to come over and trick or treat at his door. I had so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much FUN!

me as Alice

Alex (as "plate lunch")

Daddy (wearing an ipatch)            

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fun Things in Maui

       Last week we went to Black Rock.  Black Rock is a beach in Maui.  We did a lot of fun stuff.  I made a pillow out of sand.  Mommy buried me in the sand.  I went snorkeling with Daddy and we saw a lot of fish.  We saw a sea turtle and Lauipala and Lawiliwilinukunukuoioi and Humuhumunukunukuapoaa.  I liked the beach because the sand was soft. I also found a lava rock.

        One day, Alex, Siti and I made a lei at the hotel.  Alex and I made pink and purple lei.  I picked the pink flowers, myself.  The pink flowers are called plumeria flowers.

Plumeria flowers can also come in white.  They grow on trees and smell very good.  I made a pattern.  The pattern was purple, purple, purple, pink, pink.

        The pool at our hotel was fun.  There was a waterslide, two spraying turtles, sprinklers and a floating dolphin chained to the ground.  I liked to jump on the turtle and slide down the shell.   It was so much funner than in Phoenix.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Polynesian Cultural Center

        We went to the Polynesian Cultural Center we did lots of stuff.  We went canoeing.   We watched a show.  I had a lot of


My favorite thing was the show.  We also went to a lot of different places, where:
1.  We played lots of games
2.  We threw spears
3.  We watched hula dancers dance on boats

4. We watched Dad dance

5.  We went fishing

6. We played the ukulele

7. We watched a person climb a coconut tree
8. We wove fish out of palm leaves
9.  I ate a bag of chips
10. We went on  a bridge


Monday, October 18, 2010

Joseph's Birthday

         Joesph's Birthday was fun.  We did lots of things.  We ate a lot of food.  My favorite food was the strawberries.  We ate a lot of desserts, too.  My favorite dessert was red velvet cake.  A person dived down into the fish tank and put a sign up near our table.  What did the sign say?  Happy Birthday Joseph.

        My Grandmother and Grandfather came over to Hawaii three days ago.  I'm having so much fun with them.  I had a sleepover with them in their hotel all by myself, without my brothers.  I went swimming and shopping and to breakfast with them.  It was so much FUN!   We also went to the botanical garden and Pearl Harbor.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Playing the Wii

        Hi, my name is Nicki.  I am a loving person.  My family is, too.  Alex played the Wii yesterday.  He played Super Monkey ball.  I played the Wii, too.  I played a different game.  It's name is Harry Potter Wii game and Joseph wished that he got to play.

        One night I got a haircut, then we went to bed.  Daddy told me a story.  It was a Pigs on Motorcycle story.  It was about the zoo.  It was very funny!  I liked the part where the big bad wolf was in the zoo and he got into the crocodile cage and he jumped down and landed on a crocodile.  The crocodile's mouth opened and he jumped to the King crocodile screaming very loudly.  He didn't know it was the King crocodile.

Me with my balloon heart and lovebirds